Friday, February 08, 2008


Today on Oprah she was talking to children of sperm donors. She had 4 women on the stage, all over the age of 20, whose mothers had used sperm donors to conceive them. All 4 of these women were whiny bitches. All of them were complaining about the fact that they didn't know their fathers. One girl said that she is the "product of industry" and that her conception lacked "humanity" and "love".

I will start by saying that I am not in favor of reproductive assistance. I think there are too many people on this planet already and that anybody that can adopt should, because before you go to extraordinary measures to conceive, you should offer your love & home to a child who is already alive and needs it. But, that is not the issue here.

All 4 of these women were born to mothers who REALLY wanted to be mothers. They did anything they could to have babies. These women should be so grateful for that. Would they feel better if they had been the result of a broken condom? A one night stand? A rape? Do they really think that being conceived by sex would have made their lives so much better? And why are they so desperate to meet some guy who got paid to jerk off into a cup? I don't know ANY man who wouldn't LOVE to get paid to jerk off. Seriously. What makes them think this guy is some stand up citizen that would fill this ridiculous imagined void in their lives?

Let me tell you, I would trade those girls my biological father for their anonymous sperm donor any day of the week and twice on sunday!

I was conceived the old fashioned way and it made no difference to me. Except that I share some genes with the man who terrorized me from the time I was 11 to the day I graduated from law school. My parents were in love when they had the sex that resulted in me, but not once did that mean anything to me. In fact, it's pretty damn icky.

But what I have been grateful for, all my life, is that my mother chose to have me. My mother was ready for a baby, went off the pill and got pregnant on purpose. I wasn't a surprise or a mistake. I was part of her plan, and that is the best thing any child can ask for.

These women should appreciate what they have, mothers who love them and went to great lengths to bring them into this world. It must be so offensive to their mothers to have them going on national TV and crying over some guy who got paid to jerk off. What fucking spoiled brats. I know plenty of people who were conceived through sex but not on purpose. I know people whose mothers have said to their faces "I should have aborted you." Those are conceptions without love. These girls were surrounded with love when they were conceived. Their mothers rejoiced when the stick turned blue. And nobody ever thought of aborting them. They should be grateful. They disgusted me.

Footnote: It really bothers me that people say sperm "donor" because donations are for free, like when you donate blood. These guys are getting paid, so why don't we say sperm sellers? Why the need to make them sound so charitable? Just a thought.

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